On the final month, I practiced IELTS by simulation. Just like the real test, I began with listening and continuously proceeded to reading, then writing and end with speaking in limited time. Also, I avoided trying new scheme, rather improved the style that I got used to. One week before the official exam, I reduced the amount of practices and focused on reviewing my past works. From this, I made a note for the overview including my biggest weakness and common flaws that I frequently commit.
While on official exam, the materials for Reading test was quite easier than the practice tests while Listening was trickier due to faster audio speed. The examiner in speaking was friendlier and the questions were less academic than I expected whereas the writing was totally the same as I thought.
After the test, I had to wait 13 days for assessment, which was enough time for me to look back the experience I’ve been through. Generally, the official test was easier than I anticipated, nevertheless the preparation was not. It was tough, yet long struggle for me with numerous challenges that I had to face. Such as keeping a habit of frequent practices, changing styles, and keep progressing in spite of discouraging results.
But the hardest challenge for me was to maintain my motivation. Multiple times I wanted to quit and sometimes I just wanted to take a rest during the studies. Somehow I can say that setting a solid objective (booking official exam) was the start of my motivation, however the real factor that inspired me the most was the suitable environment. A place where the study materials are directly accessible whenever it is needed, implementation of weekly exam for experts to assess examinees more often, and more importantly the existence of foreign teachers who inculcate and provide feedbacks with helpful tips related to IELTS for students.
This does not mean I am skeptical that people will be less likely to get high score through studying alone, but I’m saying that it is undeniable for me that teachers in HELP academy are the one who truly improved my score and my performance in limited period of time. Due to this reason, I think that it would have taken much longer for me to prepare and get a score that I need without the assist from them. So before I end my review, I show my thanks to teachers and students who supported me while on my course and I hope more people will see much improvements by them as well. Thanks for reading a long passage and good luck for those who will be taking IELTS.
上篇連結: 看文章學英文-用英文寫的心得感想,你看的懂嗎?(上)
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