
Before I start, I just want to give my information related to IELTS in order for readers to be aware of my results. I took the official IDP IELTS academic module examination held on Baguio city, Philippines on March 18th~19th, 2016. For the first time of having official, I got band score 7.5 (Listening, Reading : 8.5, Speaking:6.5 and Writing : 6). This review will be mainly about my own experience and how I felt about it, so please avoid taking it seriously, rather have it as a reference.
在我開始之前,我只是想先給各位讀者關於我的雅思資訊,讓大家知道我的成果。我在2016年3月18到19號間參加了在碧瑤市舉辦的官方雅思IDP學術測驗。在第一次的官方考試中,我拿到了總分7.5(聽力、閱讀:8.5 口說:6.5 寫作:6)。這篇心得感想主要是關於我的個人經驗和我的想法,所以大家不用很嚴肅地看待它,把它當作參考就好。
To infer more about the background information, I was a 17 year old Korean boy who stayed in Philippines since 2010. Originally I was preparing for TOEFL until I changed to IELTS in late November, 2015. The motivation was simply because of entrance of foreign universities and I was going for a band score 7. Since then, I prepared in HELP English academy for 4 months until I took the official test.
The first month was quite discouraging. I was not fully aware where to begin including the concepts of IELTS and the approach to prepare the exam. Moreover, I lacked motivation due to unclear sets of time and goal. Consequently, I did not asked much help or tips from others and showed less passion which limited my development.
On the second month however, I started to take IELTS more seriously by booking official test in March. Then I focused on planning based on analysis from weekly assessment in academy such as identification of specific skills that I lack and good at. Also I read basic guide books rather than doing some practice tests right away in order to get the suggested strategies and templates while asking for advises from teachers and fellow students.
The third month was a tough period full of practices and trials. I tried to do at least one test per day while searching for the best method and style that suits me the most by trying different skills. To give more detail, I bought additional practice materials for Listening and Reading so that I can study alone whereas I preferred to practice speaking in front of teachers. For writing, I kept reading the basic guidelines and followed the templates that are given for adaptation since I was not used to write in English. During the training, I always set a timer and I reviewed the results before and after the tests to analyze my current level and to avoid repeating same mistakes.